Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good. It is human nature to spend more time focusing on what went wrong rather than building on what has gone right. For a discussion of progress and results to become fruitful removing fear, blame, and accusation from the language of any organization is essential.
The workforce is vital for any growing organization to reach its goals. Opening the door to better performance is through building confidence and capacity, and understanding that getting everything right all of the time is unattainable. Mistakes are great teachers, and their lessons through good coaching are forged into people and processes, creating greater strength and ability. When an organization maximizes the potential of its people, it maximizes its capability to do great things.
So, while it’s ok to strive for and set goals of perfection, what hampers an organization is when progress is significantly halted to achieve perfection just for perfection’s sake. Sure, you don’t want to put out a terrible product, or provide a subpar service. But, don’t get so hung up on the minute details that you forget about the big picture.
When speaking the language of confidence, collaboration, and problem-solving, great things usually follow. A diagnosis of what to talk about how to solve comes through the discussion of results. At Strabo, we help you create the metrics, meetings, and sound decision-making ability to progress on the path toward superior outcomes.