Navigate Your Journey Confidently
Achieve success and then sustain it with a relentless focus on Strategic Results and leadership
Our Leadership model focuses on the Four P’s
So are you satisfied with your results?
If that answer to that question is NO or I DON’T KNOW, hire Strabo and we can confidently help you answer YES.
Right Answers
Making sure you have the right answers to the right challenges
When a challenge arises, it is crucial to understand the root cause. Is it a failure to properly execute the plan? Is the strategic plan not delivering the results as anticipated? Are results beginning to dissipate due to a new product from a competitor? Is there a change in the economic environment? The decisions to solve can range to the simple to a significant overhaul of strategy. Our goal is to help identify the issue quickly and solve it, allowing our clients to thrive.
Required Skills
Developing the managerial and Leadership skills required to excel
The ability to get work done through others is critical to an organization’s success. Our goal is to help employees in prominent positions develop the managerial and leadership skills to help drive an organization to achieve its desired results. Outside of the owner, the rest of the organization must learn to lead, follow, and manage. We teach style and substance flow from the culture and values of the organization.
Refined Process
Refining the Implementation Decision-making process to make the correct decisions to drive desired results
As Mike Tyson’s famous quote that everyone had a plan against him till he punched them in the face, so will businesses face challenges on their journey. 90% of organizations make it through year one with that number decreasing to 50% by five years with only a 1/3 making it to a decade. A significant factor for this is an inability to make the correct decisions on the journey. Our Strategic Scorecard Regimine helps organizations focus on key metrics in following a meeting process to help leaders see opportunities, avoid threats, and maximize their people and plans.

Albert Loveland
Founder & Principle Guide at Strabo
Al spent 16 years at major lending institutions leading large teams related to credit card lending, inventory management, and call center activities. He has spent the last decade working with small businesses, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs successfully implementing business and strategic plans. His focus is the Four P’s, getting the right people, in the right positions, following the right processes to drive superior performance. Al serves on multiple boards and committees, is an avid student of history, and resides in Tempe, Arizona.
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